Our History
Proficency Market is one of the world’s leading providers of investment, advisory and risk management solutions. The Company's Investment funds is regulated by JP Morgan Chase Banco which provides maximum security of investors money and loan approval for investors. We are a fiduciary to our clients. We’re investing for the future on behalf of our clients, inspiring our employees, and supporting our local communities.
We help millions of people invest to build savings that serve them throughout their lives. As it becomes harder to save for goals like retirement, how can we help more people invest for their future?
Our purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. In addition to offering our clients choice to meet their investment goals, we also work to bring economic opportunities to more people through the Proficency Market and our employee engagement programs
In the UK and inside the EEA: Until 31 December 2020, issued by Proficency Market Investment Management (UK) Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL. Registered in England and Wales No. 02020394. Please refer to the Financial Conduct Authority website for a list of authorised activities conducted by Proficency Market. From 1 January 2021, in the event the United Kingdom and the European Union do not enter into an arrangement which permits United Kingdom firms to offer and provide financial services into the European Economic Area, the issuer of this material is:
Proficency Market Investment Management (UK) Limited for all outside of the European Economic Area; and (ii) Proficency Market (Netherlands) B.V. for in the European Economic Area, Proficency Market (Netherlands) B.V. is authorised and regulated by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. Registered office Amstelplein 1, 1096 HA, Amsterdam, Tel: 020 – 549 5200, Trade Register No. 17068311
In Switzerland: This document is marketing material. Issued by Proficency Market Investment Management (UK) Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL.. Registered in England and Wales No. 02020394.
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In Taiwan, independently operated by Proficency Market Investment Management (Taiwan) Limited. Address: 28F., No. 100, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan.
In Australia, issued by Proficency Market Investment Management (Australia) Limited ABN 13 006 165 975 AFSL 230 523 (BIMAL). The material provides general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation, needs or circumstances.
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